UK Domain Suggestions: 10 Ways to Come Up with UK Domain Name Ideas
If you’re ready to choose domain name for your UK Business website, then read on, to learn the best ways to come up with UK Domain Name ideas!
Perhaps, you already have a great brand concept figured out and probably the perfect name for it, but still caught up between choosing .uk or domain extensions; and if you find this confusing then you’re not alone. It’s time to learn the basics of UK Domain extensions and take the plunge to get started.
For a UK Business name, choosing the wrong TLD can greatly impact your website chances of success, whilst the right TLD could effectively help in getting your website off the ground to a much better start.
But not to worry, we are here to help by getting you a little more creative in choosing the right domain name with the 10 ways to come up with UK Domain Name Ideas!
10 Ways to Come Up with UK Domain Name Ideas
When you go about searching for a domain name for your UK business website, you’ll often find that the version is already taken whilst the .uk may still be available, what’s the way out? Well, try these UK domain name suggestions instead!
1. Try Spelling variations
The spelling variation tactic has been popular lately, and for some good reasons too. As finding an available UK domain can be a serious challenge, spelling variation can be a truly clever way to reference the word associated with your business and also claiming the available domain name.
Though, your audience may get confused by the changed spelling confusing, but with enough marketing to help internalize your brand even as it’s spelled, would go a long to positioning your business for success.
Some popular name variations include Flickr, Tumblr, Tindr, and Netflix, to mention but a few!
2. Consider objects or visuals to add to your brand name
Popular brands like Android and Apple have successfully employed this visual and object tactic in creating a unique brand names.
Now, just imagine those objects that are of great significance to you, or creating a visual you like to be added to your brand name.
3. Using adjectives addition to Your Name
Just think about adjectives that really sound nice and related to the name you plan to use as your domain that’s already taken. For instance, a decor brand could go with something like Dazzling Designs when coming up with a good name descriptive phrase.
Here, the adjective dazzling is quite memorable and would give visitors a good visual to associate with your brand.
4. Associating an Anime to your brand
The cute little character you find behind SeekaHost Brand name is an example of Anime, and it is a growing trend in branding whereby the tactic works well for the very website you’re reading this on right now, as well as other popular brands.
It automatically provides a clever opportunity to differentiate your brand, which you can use to easily create a cute logo and mascot that’s memorable and helps to inspire goodwill from your brand audience.
5. Addition of Your Local name
If perhaps, you’re having a challenge finding available name that works, think of adding your local city name to the domain name of choice. Try other local versions of the domain name, as it will be less competitive than going for the real name you had in mind.
You can also use the name of your neighborhood, if that sounds good to you and memorable. For such local businesses, this tactic will afford your audience a means to identify your business coverage and also serves as a useful piece of information about your local business.
6. Adding A related word
Adding a related word is another great way to build a brand name, by compiling a list of similar words to consider in the place of the originally name.
There are online tools to help you with related words, which can just make the task easier and help get a closely related name quickly.
7. Get inspiration from competitors
You should identify other websites similar to yours that have compelling brand names, and make a list of the names. You have to copy how they created their brand names, including the associated Anime; but you need to be careful not to copy anything that closely resembles what a competitor uses.
Use different words and phrases not incorporated into their domains as a starting point for brainstorming ideas for your own name.
8. Consider Non-English Names
Most times, the exact word you want to use in English has a better connotation in another language, which you can use for your business website instead.
Though, using other languages that use different alphabet may probably not help your search engine ranking that much, but you’ll likely end up with a better list of names to consider that are available for registration.
9. Adding words like Group, Ltd, People, or Store
This is a rather simple way to still get to use your original domain idea by tacking a word like Group, Ltd, People, or Store to the end of the domain and turn it into a new brand name that works.
And there is a very big likelihood that it will be available for registration, and still be fairly easy for people to remember.
10. Using Odd Words you just like
Domain name can be based on just any word, and words that sound cool, or have an interesting meaning. But, you’d better use a word with a meaning that relates closely to what your business is all about.
Start by brainstorming words that sounds nice and create imagery you really like to associate with your business. And try to void anything that would be difficult for your audience to remember or spell and anything that’s distasteful or offensive.
In conclusion, it is best to grab your domain name now before another business does, don’t ever procrastinate about claiming it.
SeekaHost makes it easy to register your UK domain name using the simple search tool to lookup its availability. And as a bonus, if you choose SeekaHost as your web host, registering your UK domain name with us means you can manage both your website all in one place.
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- Guest Blogger & Outreach Expert - Interested in Writing Blogs, Articles in Business Niche | News Journalist By Profession in the United Kingdom
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